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👁‍🗨 Solidarity blog​

to watch from a distance🔭, closely🔎, look in depth🤿 and inside🔬


"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter"

 ―  Martin Luther King, Jr.

In ancient Greek culture and language, there is a very close correlation between the faculty of seeing and the ability to know, much more than in the other sensory spheres.

The result of the verb 'to see' 'is "knowing". Indeed, in its perfect form, literally "I saw", it means "I know ".


I want to commit to "seeing" better.

I want to open the windows to let the light in, through the coloured glass;

I want to smell the dust I forgot under the carpet;

I want to uncork the jars of memories that I forgot on the shelf, and look inside them;

I want to dip the spoon into the prepackaged take-away soups and taste it before saying I don't like it.


Would you like to have spoon too?

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Hi, I'm Marta

picky observer since 1994, keen on handmade-products since I was able to hold a marker, collector of sunrises and sunsets, a traveller with a tear in her pocket, convinced supporter that encounters can free us from the boxes we are in. I am not a native speaker, so please bear with my English. 

what my eyes see

Shadow on Concrete Wall

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