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Dear Giorgia. Ch 1: Introducing each others

Quick note for non-Italians:

Giorgia Meloni is an Italian politician of a right-wing party named Fratelli d’Italia (freely translated by me as Siblings of Italy).

translation: while shops close, harbours are opened. Entrepreneur have been struggling, smugglers have been celebrating. Italian can't see their loved ones at Christmas, but for immigrants it's easy to move though countries. #President Conte step down

Over a year ago, during a speech, she had defined herself with these words that then became a remix famous Italy-wide: “I am Giorgia, I am a woman, I am a mother, I am Christian”.

° I am a woman like you. So far so good

° I don’t have any kids. I can’t comment on how she raises her daughter Ginevra. Nevertheless, I would like to share my concern regarding the environment where Ginevra has been growing up. I portrait her playing in the Livingroom with mummy Giorgia’s speeches in the background. She might get to know a black kid only through a poster of Doctors without Borders. As I said, it’s my imagination. Giorgia, let me know.

° I’m Italian as well… we have 2 things in common!

Like 754420 other Italian women. That is the number of women who got the citizenship. Most of them, almost half, are either Moroccan or Albanese. It’s harder to spot the latter, but their soft ‘r’ reveals the truth. Luckily, with Moroccans it’s easier. Skin tone and religion do help. According to statistics, 99% of them is Muslim…let’s (randomly) estimate that at least half of those Moroccans wear a hijab. You can recognise them from the distance. Thai’s great.

° if we keep on this religion, we can discuss a little be more on the last -but certainly not least- adjective Giorgia mentioned: Christian.

Well, 66% of Italians declared to be Catholic. But for sure you won’t find all of them in a church on Sunday morning.

I’m in this 66%, but I have to admit I’m a bit confused on my beliefs. I am not sure what and how much I believe in that, but first and foremost I have been wondering why I believe in what I believe. It’s long and confusing, so let’s put it in stand-by until getting an epiphany.

I can say something about you, though. Few days before you posted that twit, the “CEO of granted an announcement:

So, Giorgia, either you submit your application to the Vatican City to get his seat, or you look for another trophy to use to hide your hatful declarations. I must tell you that they only accept applications from male candidates under 70.

I strongly believe that whatever faith you choose (money, assistance, rationality) it should push you to be a better person, not to let others drawn in the water to save your brother.

Next Chapter Sunday!

You can find me on Instagram at @responsible.eyes


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